Friday, May 29, 2009

how to create animated favicon on blogger?

how to create animated favicon on blogger Okay, what do I create the view that there is a different icon next to the address bar is usually berlogo a blogger can be changed as we want the image diem aja or images that can change also. And now I want to do is change the favicon in blogger you are, as I have, but yes once again it's up to you what free. Ne most direct course we talk! Yup the first stage is you have to prepare a file berextensi. ICO, How? how can you search in google by entering a free favicon, or you can make that as I have you lived in colors you up to 16 square box that is provided you can select a frame animation and add as many as you want, well after you are tough you the results of the paper is under the preview, and if you have all that good, you live quasi download. ICO you pressing the button download favicon nah now you already have a favicon that interesting, after a favicon to be created you have to do is show the logo. ICO you to a publisher, happy trying.

how to protect files from viruses?

how to preserve important data from virus attacks, both local and Internet viruses, I guarantee after this trick file kesayangan akan we secure from virus attacks, praktikkan you soon, do not you regret later if you file tekena virus. Next scriptnya

Dim Drive, Root, fname
Drive = "D" 'I will drive progress
Set Root = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject"). _
GetDrive (Drive). RootFolder
Set fname = New RegExp
With fname
. Pattern = "\. Exe 'file extension that will direname
. IgnoreCase = True
. Global = False
. Multiline = False
End With
Call Rename (Root, fname)
Sub Rename (Folder, RegExp)
Dim subfolder, files
For Each File in Folder.Files
If RegExp.Test (File.Name) Then
File.Name RegExp.Replace = (File.Name, ". Ex_") 'results renamenya
End If
For Each subfolder In Folder.SubFolders
Call Rename (subfolder, RegExp)
End Sub

Copy and paste this script in notepad and saved in a *. vbs file extensi. and if you want to run this file simply click 2 times and all the commands in this script will be done.
Little explanation of the script above
Drive = "D"
/ / script above means that this script will only run on the D: drive only, so you can change according to the drive you want

. Pattern = "\. Exe"
/ / this script is instructed that all files that bertype or berextensi *. exe in the D: drive that will be amended in accordance with your wishes extensi later.

File.Name RegExp.Replace = (File.Name, ". Ex_")
/ / I disni akan extensi modify *. exe files into *. ex_
So all *. exe files on drive d: will be amended
*. exe

Easy huh?
And you can specify which file extensi you want to change and changes in the drive where you will be doing. Now of course I changed estensinya dak can be opened or executed doung?
Calm kawatir you do not need to rename the file that you will not be retroactive extensinya disability or even broken, if you want to restore the original keposisi you only need to turn the script over the
. Pattern = "\. Exe" to be changed. Pattern = "\. Ex_"
and for the script File.Name RegExp.Replace = (File.Name, ". ex_") we become a fox
File.Name RegExp.Replace = (File.Name,. "Exe")
Of course, this change in accordance with extensei you use, for the sample above I use the file with extensi *. exe
So with such a file *. ex_ earlier type changed into *. exe. you can also replace file3 *. doc bertype become what you want, however virus that is now will continue to become more sinister, one way is the way over.

So that this can be useful for all of us

The Basic Command CMD

Now we will discuss a bit about some of the command in CMD [command prompt] on the windows. Command Prompt is the default windows application that I think is very good for our review. To find out the command-peritah what is in the command prompt please type "help" and will appear immediately with some command that can be used.
Among others:

copy & xcopy

Copy the name as a command to copy the files. Sintaknya "copy [file name with full extensinya] [destination]". For example, I will copy the files on drive D coba.doc, to to the folder on the C drive, folder name eg "newFolder", the first entrance to the D drive through CMD drive by typing the name "D:" (without quotation marks) , then type the command "copy coba.doc C: \ newFolder", the file coba.doc akan newFolder copied to a folder on drive C. In fact we can also copy files without having to go to the D drive with the first note you should know beforehand the location of the folder name and file type you want, such as in examples means that you must type the command "copy D: \ test. doc C: \ newFolder ".

What if we want to copy one folder at a time?
We can also use the regular copy, but the name of the folder does not participate tercopy, which tercopy only content only. Disinilah we can use the command "xcopy". Suppose we want to copy a folder in Drive D: which consists of many sub-folders so we can type the command "xcopy / e [namafolder] [tutujuan drive]." / E "is the command to copy to the subdirectory. There are also other ways if we mencopy want with the simple and quick to use a certain file extensi. For example if I want to copy all the files berekstensi *. txt in the D: drive so I can type the command "xcopy / s *. txt C: \ newFolder", then each file with the *. txt extensi akan tercopy to newFolder folder on drive C.
Unique to the command we can copy this file into a mencopy other files, for example, there are two berextensi *. txt file with the name of a.txt and b.txt, with the copy command I can combine the two files, eg the combined results of the file berextensi c.txt then the command "copy / b a.txt + b.txt = c.txt", the "/ b" means in peritah copy will be made before the copy is also binary. In a written file c.txt akan contents of the file a.txt and b.txt. We can combine any type of file, so it is suitable we use to hide a peting information, for example if I want to send secret messages to my friends, I do not need to use science kryptograpy to do so, I just copykan message to a file in which the may not be suspicious. Try your copykan a *. txt file eg named a.txt in a.txt where there is a message "no bomb" into the *. jpg file berekxtensi eg gambar.jpg name of the file with the command "copy / b a.txt + gambar.jpg = c.jpg "
This command will generate a new file with the name c.jpg, if you open the file then gambar.jpg will open as normal.
Message before the hold where?
If you want to see the message "no bomb" before you right-click on the gambar.jpg earlier and select open with the notepad, it will be visible to gambar.jpg ASCII code, and any posts you have on before the end of the ASCII code.
Many people also use this unutk menyembukan a file into a file for example, put music or video file in *. jpg format. Kompress condition you want the first file is hidden before use WinZip or winrar, and if at any time you want to open the file you must open the *. jpg files before using WinZip or winrar live in the next extract. What you see in the copy files into this file is the order. 1 Suppose the command "copy / b gambar.jpg + = gambarbaru.jpg" 2 and the command "copy / b + gambar.jpg + = gambarbaru.jpg". On the one gambarbaru.jpg akan can open normal and the 2 gambarbaru.jpg will not be able to open.


Attrib utnuk used to replace or provide attributes of a file. Attrib combined with some of them perinta
Provide attributes +
- Remove attributes
S file system attributes
H hidden file attributes
R read-only file attributes
A archiev file attributes

Example I want to give attributes hidden and read-only berextensi all *. txt files on drive D is the command "attrib + h + r *. txt / s", then all files with the extension *. txt akan disembuntikan and read only in the drive D, to return it we only need to change the plus sign becomes a minus. This is very helpful if we want to hide the number of files in a lot at once.


Del is peritah Or to delete a few files. To delete a file, the file can not be hidden tersbut. If there are cases such as yesterday I found a virus sality compatriot mengandakan file *. lnk, *. Inf *. db and all the folders and subfolders, I use the delete command to delete the file at a time, but because the files are hidden so we must first change the attributes file with the command as described above before, then I can delete, quoad command "del *. lnk *. db *. Inf / s" in the command will delete the files according to file extension of our type, "/ s" This means that the command delete also made to all sub folders.

Therefore this simple article. Beneficial initiative for the need ..

The Windows Fix Error

When the windows in your computer error, try deh trick-trick following initiative to help .... I also question his make ginian
1. Improve Installation (Repair Install)
If your Windows XP damaged (corrupted) where you do not have any other operating system for booting, you can repair the installation (Repair Install) of working settings (settings) that early.
- Make sure you have the key (key) Windows XP valid.
- The entire process will take approximately 1 / 2 or 1 hour, depending on your computer spek.
- If you dimintai administrator password, you should select the repair option (repair) the second, not the first.
- Insert your Windows XP CD and booting from the CD to do it.
- When the option is shown improvement both R = Repair, press the start Rini akan improvements.
- Press F8 to agree to further the process "I Agree at the Licensing Agreement"
- Press R when the directory where you installed Windows XP. Usually C: \ WINDOWS akan Then do check drive C: and start copying files-file.Dan automatically restart if needed. Leave the CD in your drivenya.
- Next you will see a picture "progress bar" that is part of the improvement, he seem like the installation of XP is usually normal, including "Collecting Information, Dynamic Update, Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation".
- When asked, click the Next button
- When asked to enter a keyword, enter the key (key) Windows XP your valid .- Normally you want to remain in the domain or workgroup name the same .- Computer akan restart.
- Then you will have the same screen as the system during normal installation.
- Register if you want it (usually not needed).
- Done

Now you can log in with your existing account.

2. NTOSKRNL Damaged or Missing (Missing or Corrupt)
If you find an error message that "NTOSKRNL not found" / NTOSKRNL not found, do:
- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD .- At the time shown R = Repair option first, press R.
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation that you want to regenerate the appropriate .- Usually # 1
- Move to drive the CD Drive you are.
- Write: CD i386
- Write: ntkrnlmp.ex_ expand C: \ Windows \ System32 \ ntoskrnl.exe
- If you installed Windows XP in place, then change according to location.
- Remove your CD and type EXIT

3. HAL.DLL Damaged or Missing (Missing or Corrupt)
If you get an error regarding the loss or damaged hal.dll file, it is likely one of the BOOT.INI file configuration (misconfigured).
- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At the time shown R = Repair option first, press R.
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation that you want to regenerate the appropriate .- Usually # 1
- Write: bootcfg / list Displays the contents / entries in the BOOT.INI file at this time
- Write: bootcfg / rebuild Fix BOOT.INI configuration file
- Remove your CD and type EXIT

4. Directory \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Config is broken or missing
If you find any posts with the error:
"Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Config \ SYSTEM or \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Config \ SOFTWARE"
- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At the time shown R = Repair option first, press R.
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation that you want to regenerate the appropriate .- Usually # 1
- Enter the administrator password if required.
- Write: cd \ windows \ system32 \ config
- Next depending on the location where the occurrence of the damage: - Write: ren software software.rusak OR ren system system.rusak
- Next again also depends on the location where the occurrence of the damage: - Write: copy \ windows \ repair \ system-Write: copy \ windows \ repair \ software-Remove your CD and type EXIT

5. NTLDR not found or NTDETECT.COM (NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM Not Found)
If you find an error that NTLDR is not found when booting:
a. FAT partition to type
- Please make your booting from the Win98 floppy and copy your files NTLDR or NTDETECT.COMdari drive to the i386 directory parent / root (root) C: \

b. For NTFS partition type-Enter the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At the time shown R = Repair option first, press R.
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation that you want to regenerate the appropriate .- Usually # 1
- Enter the administrator password if required.
- Enter the following command, where X: is the address of the CD ROM drive you (Customize!) .- Writing: COPY X: \ i386 \ NTLDR C \:
- Write: COPY X: \ i386 \ NTDETECT.COM C: \
- Remove your CD and type EXIT

HP Recovery CD Creation

If you have a recent model HP or Compaq machine, chances are you have the ability to create an HP restore disk. This article will address accessing and copting information that resides on a hidden partition. This preloaded recovery partition will allow you to create a set of Hp restore disks that can be used to recover all of the original software in the event of a major problem by tapping the F10 key continuously when the PC is first boots up. However, there may be times when recovery discs are needed to restore the PC. By using the Recovery CD-DVD Creator program, you can create a set of recovery discs to restore your PC back to its original condition.

Creating A Restore CD

The recovery CD set contains a complete set of the original operating system, drivers, and application software that shipped with the PC. The Recovery CD Creator software can be used to creat a set of recovery CDs for your computer. Because this software actually contains the Operating System, the Creator program allows only one complete set of CDs to be created. This data that will be put onto the CD is the same as the recovery CDs that you'd receive if you'd actually ordered them from HP.

You'll need a blank CD-R or blank DVD-R.

To begin, click Start, then All Programs. If you have an HP Pavilion click Hewlett-Packard and then HP PC Recovery CD Creator. If not, try clicking PC Help & Tools, then HP CD Recovery CD-DVD Creator to start the program.

You will see a welcome screen. Click the Continue button on each screen to start the disc creator. You will see how many disks are necessary to create the HP recovery disks. Label them, so you do not get confused after each burn.

The disk will burn, verify data, then eject each CD when complete. When the process is complete, you should have a working set of HP restore disks.

You will not be able to create another set, so if you lose or damage these disks, you'll need to contact HP for a replacement.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Introduction to the Google Webmaster Guidelines and Tools

Perhaps 90% of the friends - all are friends of the existence of Google Webmaster Tools, here I will try to introduce the Google Webmaster Tools with some functions of the tools that are important and frequently used.

Google Webmaster Tools is a tool and the media used google for two-way communication between the parties, and we as google webmaster.

With Google Webmaster Tools, we can optimize the indexing process.
For example if you ever see a website that has a page in the "means of:

Home -> Category -> Catalog -> Product

Where is the product page does not get the link from the front page, google bot akan certainly very difficult to reach the product page mengcrawl it. Nah disinilah one of the advantages if we use Google Webmaster Tools, especially the tools called "Google Sitemap" and of course if you can also Create a Web Page Being Search Engine Friendly, Function more about "Google Sitemaps" I will explain below:

1. Google Sitemap:
is a sitemap url website contains a list of our

Function is easier to go to google bot and mengcrawl page, the page we have provided the url of the above

As I mentioned earlier on, about "the website has a page in the" google bot will be very difficult entry and mengcrawl product page, because now we have to provide the URL of page on Google Product Sitemap then google bot easily achieve

Component in the Google Sitemap:

loc: content with the URL you
lastmod: date with the latest content, format-th-to-day example bln 2007-10-05
changefreq: changes in frequency content with the ex. always, daily, weekly
priority: set priorities between 0.1 - 1.0

Example: /
1.0 / sitemap /
1.0 / gb /

2. Robots.txt
60% sure you all already know robot.txt
ya .. Robots.txt is a file that contains restrict / regulations that go in to the bot / crawler not to mengindek website or a page or even the whole directory structure of the website, depending restrict it, in Google Webmaster Tools also have its robot validator

3. Link
Link on the menu dapt you see the list of inbound links, internal page, and you can also see how many pages you have in the index by Google

4. Preference Domain
Preference domain prefix is the selection of the domain if you use the "www" or "www tabpa"

menggunakan www

do not use www

Domain Preference very influential in the Search Engine Result Page

5. Crawl Speed
You can specify akan slow or speed frequency google bot comes to your website, if you think google bot too often come and spend the bandwidth, then you can reduce its frequency

Go to google webmaster tools you must have Google Accounts, most other languages you do not have to have a Google Email

This link will go to Google Webmaster tools:

Banya still functions from other functions that Google Webmaster Tools I have not yet explain.
the description of me ... thank

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Creating Web Pages Being Search Engine Friendly

Here I will try to explain how to create a page of a website search engine friendly
fact that I explain here is On Page Optimization

- / / Search engine friendly Website: a website that have a system / layout to simplify the process of search engine crawling bot.

- / / OnPage Optimization: the process is Peng - optimalisasian page / page of a website, to help simplify the process of search engine crawling bot.
okay I'll go to the point:

some of the side that you must see

1. (title) Tekhnik Exploit Password WinXP | (/title)(!-- title--)
note the results of the search keyword "exploit WinXP" in google below:
2,090,000 from the search page, occupy 4 ranking for keyword "exploit WinXP"

google is considering the use of "Title"

2. (h1) php tutorial (!-- h1--)
(/h1)(h1) mu-keyword-here (!-- h1--) This can be used to reinforce keyword but does not effect too

3. (/h1)(h2) flash tutorial (!-- h2--)
(/h2)(h2) mu-keyword-here (!-- h2--) This can be used to reinforce keyword but does not effect too

4. (b) your keyword (!-- b--)
very - very important, we show that to google the word in bold print with (b) (!-- b--) is the important word
and keywords in it, believe .. I have to prove

5. (i) your keyword (!-- i--) this can be used to reinforce keyword effect but not too

6. (u) your keyword (!-- u--) this can be used to reinforce keyword but does not effect too

7. (alt) location -)) (img src="" alt="keyword-mu" /)
This can be used to reinforce keyword but does not effect too

continue these tips the other is
try content2 an important place in the beginning of the sequence of website

How Accelerating Performance WinXP

The steps that I know only this, please try ...

1. Click Run in the Start menu>> Type msconfig>> In the tab 'Start Up', Uncheck programs that you do not need. Can also use Startup Delayer program where we can set how long the program is run after our favorite boot Windows, such as instant messenger loaded in 50 seconds after the Windows start-up.

2. Start Menu slow emergence. If the items in the Start Menu slow emergence:
Open the Registry Editor by typing 'regedit.exe' in the Run menu.
In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop, search MenuShowDelay, double-click the value for it. Lower than in the Start Menu load

3. Right-click menu slow
Slow, perhaps because too many programs that are not needed.
Mmm can use to edit it.

4. Send To menu slow
Type 'sendto' (do not dispasi) in the Run menu, remove the items you want to appear on the Windows Explorer

5. Defrag slow
Use Defraggler. Free and work faster than the Windows have.

6. Windows My Computer slow loadingnya
In Windows Explorer, click the Tools menu>> Folder Options>> View and Uncheck 'Automatically search for network folders and printers'

7. Windows Add Remove slow loadingnya
So tired .. Use CCleaner or MyUninstaller instead.

8. I want to slowly turn off the program hangs
If you click End Task, the program is not automatic in-terminate. Click the Run, type regedit.exe, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ and change the value to be 1000

9. Simplify the look of Windows to improve performance
Go to Control Panel>> Click System>> Click 'Advanced'>> Click 'Performance'>> Click 'Adjust for best performance' This will make a computer faster, a little bit.

How to remove Virus Harry Potter

You annoyed with this virus? I was also annoyed, but I find the solution ...

Exposed to the virus harry potter character-characteristics as follows:

1. Create a file in the parent database.mdb My Documents
2. Create a file autorun.inf in every drive, flash disk, folder and
3. Thumb.db create a file (be careful with the letter s) in each folder
4. Create a file and Microsoft.lnk New Harry Potter and .... Lnk in each folder
5. Make a duplicate of each folder with extensi. Lnk
6. In the task manager there are services wscript.exe

Tips demolition:

1. Turn off System Restore .. (kilk right on my computer)
2. Turn off the virus wsrcipt.exe (C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ wscript.exe)
Can use Process Explorer or misc. HijackThis tool on ..
3. Delete virus files in the My Documents database.mdb ..
4. Remove duplicate files virus ..
Use the search facility in Windows ..
In the "More advanced options", make sure the option "Search system folders" and "Search
hidden files and folders "selected both ..
Search with the name autorun.inf file size 8 KB
Search the file with the name Thumb.db size 8 KB
Search files with the extension. Lnk.lnk size 1 KB
Delete all files that are found ..
5. Remove Autorun registry created by using HijackThis virus ..
Search in the HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run: related files database.mdb